AdTech Ceramic Foam Filter

AdTech Ceramic Foam Filter can effectively remove various impurities in molten aluminum. The sealing ceramic fiber gasket is attached around the filter plate to help seal the plate in the filter box and ensure that there is no molten aluminum on the sides.

Transmittance detection of ceramic foam filters

Pick up the ceramic foam filter, compare it with the flashlight, and observe the uniformity of the transmittance on the other side of the filter. No blind spots are found. Please check whether the light transmittance meets the requirements.

Use compressed air to purge the slag on the surface of ceramic foam filter.

AdTech Ceramic Foam Filter

After the melt is purified by on-line degassing device, there are still some inclusions that cannot be eliminated in the molten aluminum. Therefore, effective filtering measures must be taken to remove the small inclusions in the molten aluminum. Ceramic foam is a new type of ceramic filtering material developed in recent years. Ceramic filter material is a ceramic slurry composed of alumina and chromium oxide. It is molded by polyurethane foam, then dried and sintered. The porosity is as high as 80% to 90%.

At present, the company adopts an efficient and economical two stage ceramic foam filter filtration method for final melt filtration. The main control measures are summarized in practical production

According to the requirements of different alloys and final products, the filter with appropriate number of holes is selected.

When installing the AdTech Ceramic Foam Filter, it should be tight and seamless, and keep the filter surface clean to prevent hole blockage, and install the air duct.

In the process of use, please pay attention to the liquid level difference between the two sides of the filter box. When the liquid level difference is greater than 20 mm, the filter must be switched. The filtering effect of a pair of filters decreases with the increase of throughput. Therefore, when the throughput exceeds 100t, it must be online.

Clean the CFF filter box regularly and apply anti sticking aluminum powder to keep the filter box clean and prevent secondary pollution. Before replacing the filter, the filter box should be effectively and thoroughly preheated, and the preheating temperature should be controlled to prevent the filter from overheating and melting. Electric heating should be used to make the box temperature uniform.

In the process of use, the filter box is not allowed to be vibrated by external force, so as to prevent the retained impurities from leaving the filter and entering the molten aluminum during the vibration process, thus polluting the melt.

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