Ceramic Foam Filter Molten Metal Filtration for Casting

Ceramic foam filter molten metal filtration has great advantages in reducing production costs and improving product quality.

In addition, ceramic foam filters are used to purify molten aluminum. It is arranged horizontally in the CFF filter box, that is, between the launder and the casting well. Moreover, a ceramic foam filter plate can effectively filter all the metals of one melting stage, and it is very convenient to remove or replace after use. It is also suitable for horizontal or vertical casting systems.

Ceramic foam filter molten metal filtration efficiency is closely related to its correct installation and use. At the same time, the conventional and necessary measures taken to reduce the occurrence of inclusions in the smelting, furnace treatment, casting, and other process operations cannot be ignored because of the adoption of the filtration process. It is also necessary to prevent the re-contamination of the filtered clean aluminum liquid. Such as the normal slagging and cleaning of the aluminum melting furnace and holding furnace; refining in the furnace, etc. Especially the on-line degassing device is still necessary because it can not only reduce the hydrogen content of the melt, but also remove some non-metallic inclusions.

Ceramic Foam Filter Molten Metal Filtration

The installation and use of ceramic foam filter, in general, it needs to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. The size of the filter plate and the selection of the number of holes must take into account the flow rate range of the specific casting type, the maximum level of the metal during filtration, the total filtration volume, and the cleanliness of the original aluminum liquid.
  2. The filter plate must be compatible with the filter box. The two are adapted to facilitate sealing. This prevents the metal from flowing into the casting box from the gap without being filtered, and also prevents the foam filter plate from being too light and floating in the aluminum water and failing.
  3. It needs to be preheated before use to remove moisture and facilitate the initial instant filtration. Preheating can be implemented by electric or gas heating. Under normal circumstances, it takes about 15 minutes.
  4. During the normal filtration process, there is no need to slag, and avoid knocking and vibrating the filter plate. At the same time, the launder should be filled with molten aluminum to avoid excessive turbulence of molten aluminum.
  5. After casting, drain the metal on the launder and filter plate.
  6. Finally, clean the surrounding area and take out the filter plate after solidification.

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